Deze foto's ontvingen wij vandaag in de mail.
Marcellina di Ala D'Oro haar puppen zijn nu zes weken oud en zien er naar ons oordeel zeer mooi uit. De vader van dit nestje is een kind van Biancaneve di Ala D'Oro. Het blijft dus in de familie die mooie hondjes!

Ralph and Barie from kennel Minnitte's in the USA are specialists in making beautiful pictures of their dogs. Of course the lovely environment where they live help them a lot. With a bit of luck our plans will succeed and we will visit Ralph and Barrie next autumn, we will rent a caper and drive up to Black Rock Desert our self.
The pictures were send this morning. Marcellina di Ala D'Oro her puppies are now six weeks old and we think they look more then excellent. The father of this litter is a child of Biancaneve di Ala D'Oro. So these beautiful puppies seems to belong to the Ala D’Oro family!
1 opmerking:
Beautiful puppies from Amerika! And stunning pictures from the country Norway! Good commericial for our country. Of course we will come to visit you, we have to plan something!
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