zaterdag 28 juni 2008
Leuk dagje, TOP HOND
Vandaag samen met Sarah naar de Internationale hondenshow in Uden. Sarah haar mannetje "Claudius", BiancoRosso's Alberto Braglia, een kind van Fiorucci di Ala D'Oro X Tito Pedrini di Ala D'Oro deed het net als zijn broertje twee weken geleden in Lyon uitmuntend in de showring. Aan het eind van de dag kon "Claudius" naar huis met een geweldig keurrapport het BOB en dus met de volle kampioenschap punten. Ook in de erering was de keurmeester erg van hem onder de indruk. Hij werd vandaag 2e Best In Group 7. Doormiddel van deze plaatsing zal "Claudius" volgend jaar worden uitgenodigd op de Top hond van het Jaarshow. Sarah en ik hebben een hoop plezier gehad. Leuke mensen gesproken en ontmoet. Een geslaagde dag dus, zeker voor de Deense kennel Bianco Rosso!
Today I went together with Sarah to the International dogshow in Uden. Sarah her sweet boy "Claudius", BiancoRosso's Alberto Braglia, a child of Fiorucci di Ala D'Oro X Tito Pedrini di Ala D'Oro did excellent in the show ring just as his brother did two weeks ago in Lyon. At the end of the day "Claudius" could go home with a excellent report from the judge, he won the full championship point, and became BOB. In the ring of honour the judge was very impressed. He became 2e Best In Group 7. Because of this "Claudius" will be invited for the special Dutch Show, the Top Dog of the Year Show that will be held in February 2009. Sarah and I had a lot of fun, we have spoke to nice people and met some new friends. A excellent day , specially for our Danish friends of kennel BiancoRosso!
donderdag 26 juni 2008
Vandaag vier jaar oud!
zondag 22 juni 2008
Loop eend
vrijdag 20 juni 2008
Echt jarig!
donderdag 19 juni 2008
Bijna jarig!
zondag 15 juni 2008
Black Rock Desert
Deze foto's ontvingen wij vandaag in de mail.
Marcellina di Ala D'Oro haar puppen zijn nu zes weken oud en zien er naar ons oordeel zeer mooi uit. De vader van dit nestje is een kind van Biancaneve di Ala D'Oro. Het blijft dus in de familie die mooie hondjes!
Ralph and Barie from kennel Minnitte's in the USA are specialists in making beautiful pictures of their dogs. Of course the lovely environment where they live help them a lot. With a bit of luck our plans will succeed and we will visit Ralph and Barrie next autumn, we will rent a caper and drive up to Black Rock Desert our self.
The pictures were send this morning. Marcellina di Ala D'Oro her puppies are now six weeks old and we think they look more then excellent. The father of this litter is a child of Biancaneve di Ala D'Oro. So these beautiful puppies seems to belong to the Ala D’Oro family!
zaterdag 14 juni 2008
donderdag 12 juni 2008
Last sculpures in Bronze
woensdag 11 juni 2008
Bracco pupjes / Bracco puppies
Who is waiting for a Bracco puppy has a bit of luck. At this moment many litters are born all over the World. Some breeders work with a list some are not. If you are looking for a bracco puppy contact these serious addresses. Di Ala D'Oro kennel is not involved in any agreements concerning selling these puppies/litters.
Wie aan het wachten is op een bracco pup heeft geluk, er zijn op dit moment een aantal nestjes geboren. Sommige fokkes werken met een wachtlijst andere niet. Ben je op zoek naar een pup dan kun je de onderstaande serieuze nesteigenaren benaderen. Di Ala D'Oro is geen bemiddelende partij bij eventuele afspraken over de verkoop van een pup
The picture came from Kennel Minnettes from the USA, he also has a litter. 6 puppies where born six weeks ago. PS: These puppies are not available anymore.
De foto komt van Kennel Minnette's in Amerika, hij heeft ook een nestje. 6 pupjes zijn zes weken geleden geboren. PS: De puppen van dit nestje hebben al een baasje.
dinsdag 10 juni 2008
During our visit in Norway we had the pleasure to meet Stella, Rigmor’s Spinone. A sweet puppy from 4 month old and who we thought walked very talented in the fields already. Yesterday we got a picture from her brother of Stella, he is looking for the right owner. Well we think that this new owner has to visit the show with this boy, he looks lovely!
Meer informatie over deze kanjer klik hier.
For more information about this beautiful boy, click here.
maandag 9 juni 2008
Foto moment
zondag 8 juni 2008
Noors toetje
Rigmor showed that she is a real kitchen princes. During our stay she prepared many very traditional Norwegian meals for. Most of the recipe are a family secret. We have filch a few of them, including the one of the “Norwegian strawberry pudding”. Today Arjan and Stephanie where her to be the laboratory rabbit. (look also at Steef’s BLOG ). Well They still live and think it was a good pudding.
zaterdag 7 juni 2008
dinsdag 3 juni 2008
Groen gras van Noorwegen
Today we again went into the fields to train a little with Rigmor and the dogs. It is hot here, I would say 27 Celsius. This mean that we can lunch in the fields. During lunch there is time to chat about the bracco, and Costa Vista’s plans for the future. Rigmor is very motivated and serious, it is certain that she will reach her goals and we are sure she will bring Valborg to a very high level. This summer she want to go on her first hunting trip into the mountains. She will take only Valborg and is going to walk all week to find the Rijpe, the snow grouse of Norway. It is a tough lady our Rigmor… a real Viking. Well we have had a excellent time, tomorrow we have to leave to Oslo. On our way to Oslo we will sleep again in our top-sleeper, so as you understand Hanneken it is still a success!
maandag 2 juni 2008
zondag 1 juni 2008
Mooi weer en torsk!
Iedere dag zijn wij op pad geweest, mijn klimspieren zijn flink aan het werk gezet. Vandaag is het zondag en hebben wij een rustdag. Maar ......... we gaan ons niet vervelen!
Rond het huis van Rigmor en Thomas is veel te beleven. Zo hebben zij drie schuren vol met materialen om te kunnen vissen. Ik had helemaal niets met vissen, nu denk ik erover om zelf eens een hengeltje uit te gooien. Hoewel je de vissen zo vanaf de kant in het water ziet zwemmen en ik dus eigenlijk wel denk dat ik aan een schepnet voldoende zou hebben. Zodra de vis in de BBQ ligt laat ik het weten.
Lees ook Rigmor's BLOG
Before we leave from Holland it was snowing here now and then. We are a little lucky until now because we have not seen any rain or snow since we are here, only sunshine. Every day we hear the cuckoo, and when you hear him the Norwegian tradition say that you can walk barefoot all day. The slug (this is a naked snail) are no where and that is good news because according the Norwegian tradition they bring rain.
Every day we have been on tour, and with all the mountains here I really activate my climb muscles. Today it is Sunday and we rest. This does not mean that we will be bored to death! Around the house of Rigmor and Thomas there is enough to do. They have all this barns filled with stuff to go fishing. I do not have anything with fishing but here in this beautiful place I even think about put a fishing rod into the ocean. Although…….. it is not necessary to put out the rod because you can see the fish from the shore. It would enough for me to use a landing-net. Well as soon I have the fish on the BBQ we let you know. Also read Rigmor’s BLOG